it’s a new day…








beautiful sunrise with the moon shining through.
fun day at work.
easy drive home.
talk with cute hubby.
pitter patter goes my heart.
85 degrees.
started to walk.
the sky said, “run to me”.
I started running.
the music made me jump & sing.
never wanted to stop but life called.
yoga- 10 minute trainer.
stretch hurt so good.
fast track.
Hell’s Kitchen grrr
cat snuggles.
goodnight 🙂

The Scoop…

P90X2 is available for pre-order ONLY Sept 1st-Sept 5th. Few things you need to know..
1. Will be delivered by Christmas
2. Credit Card won’t be charged until shipped
3. Order from me & get FREE Shipping
4. Plus Get 2 bonus workouts designed to compliment P90x2 -ONLY available IF ordered from (starting Sept 1st @ 12 noon EST, 9AM PST)
5. Get into weekly drawing for p90x apparel etc GRAND PRIZE Tony delivers yours to your door!

and that’s the scoop! Questions? Message me. No questions? Message me. Just don’t ignore me, it makes me nervous!!!!!!!!


Do NOT miss this! ! !



This is expected to sell out before Sept 5th. If you want P90X2 before the holidays, ORDER SEPTEMBER 1ST!


Pre-order: Sept 1-Monday Sept 5

Only open to coaches and their customers for this limited time period.

Pre-order EXCLUSIVE OFFER to Coaches & their Customers: Free shipping and handling $40 value IF ordered thru a coach;

Everyone who pre-orders from a coach, will get 2 bonus workouts designed to compliment P90x2..this is ONLY available IF ordered thru a coach;

Everyone who pre-orders with a coach will be entered into wkly contest;

Weeklyly prizes, p90x apparel & equipment. Grand prize: Tony Horton delivering p90x2 to your front door (be still my beating heart! ! !);

Pre-order inventory will likely sell’s the only way to make sure you get p90x2 before the holidays;

What is P90x2?

Tony Horton’s thoughts per my notes .. please don’t “quote” it.. I was writing fast!

It’s not meant to be a cardio program,..we already HAVE the best cardio programs and there will be a plyo workout, but it’s mainly focused on strength and you WILL be dripping wet in sweat and be burning fat and calories to push you to the next level. It’s functional strength, balance, core strength, endurance, power, etc. Tony said essentially, but I can’t tell you these were his exact words…it’s not necessarily P90xHARDER, it’s P90xDIFFERENT ..but many of these exercises WILL feel more difficult to you and be challenging because they are different. “It’s Indoor Training for the Outdoor World” ~Tony Horton

It’s recommended you have a “base of fitness” to do p90x2, but even so, everything CAN be modified;

Workouts are a little shorter . Ex: Yoga is not 90min, about 63min’s.

Equipment used/required? There’s a stability ball, but you don’t have to have one. .you could use a chair, other ways are shown even if you have space issues; Weighted bars are used but they’re light, they’re only for range of motion.. you could use a broom stick!

Okay for people with injuries? ALWAYS check w/doctor first, but it’s a great program to help STABILIZE muscles which could help prevent injuries or help recover from injuries;

Minimum Equipment needed for p90x2??? A chair, a floor, a towel, a resistence band, your own body and.. GRAVITY!

Even if you have p90x, you still need to connect those muscles and create more muscle confusion.

Beachbody could entertain their customers with quick fixes and temporary results, but this is another CUTTING EDGE program of Beachbody’s ..don’t miss the boat!

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